Important phone numbers

Important phone numbersIf some problem should arise, or if there should be some other things happening, some of these phone numbers might turn out useful while in Rome.

Important numbers:
Nationcode: +39
Police: 113
Ambulance: 118
Fire department: 115

British Embassy in Rome

Via XX Settembre 80a. I-00187 Roma RM.
Telephone (39) 06 4220 0001

French Embassy in Rome

Piazza Farnese 67, Rome 00186
Phone: +39-0668601500

Spanish Embassy in Rome, Italy

Palazzo Borghese, Largo Fontanella di Borghese, 19 – 00186 Roma
Telephone: (+39) 06 684 04 01

US Embassy Rome

Via Vittorio Veneto, 121 00187 Roma, Olaszország
Telephone: (+39) 06.46741

Indian Embassy in Rome

Via 20 Settembre, 5 – Roma
+39 6 488 4642

Chinese Embassy in Rome

Via Bruxelles, 56 – Roma
+39 6 8557609