From Ciampino to Rome

How to get from Ciampino Airport to Rome?

If you arrive to Rome by airplane, then there is a chance that you will arrive to Rome Ciampino. To make it easier; if you arrive with WizzAir or RyanAir you will for sure arrive at Rome Ciampino Airport, if not, you will arrive at Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport instead. The Ciampino Airport has long experience in taking care of travelers since it first opened in 1916. In 1960 a new airport opened (Fiumicino Airport) and then the Ciampino airport stood almost unused for a long time.

Later as the low-cost airlines started flying, Ciampino turned alive again, and now several million passengers arrive and depart from Ciampino every year. But, the most critical question remains unanswered. How to get from Ciampino Airport to Rome?

How to get from Ciampino Airport to Rome?

Since there are no train lines available, we recommend one of the following options:

1) Taxi

Jump in a taxi waiting outside the airport which will take you straight to your final destination. This is by far the most time-efficient solution and is also very easy and convenient. Read more about private airport transfers in Rome right here.

2) Terravision

It is easy to travel with Terravision from Ciampino Airport to the Termini station in the center of Rome. From there you can travel by metro or train. For more information and booking, visit the Terravision website.

3) Schlaffini

Travel with one of their buses to the metro station Anagnina and travel on with public transportation from there.

4) Private taxi

You can book a private driver to pick you up at the Ciampino Airport. The driver will wait for you in the arrival hall of the airport and take you directly to your hotel in Rome. Use the form believe to check prices and availability.