Traveling with train from Rome to Bologna

Have you already gotten your plane ticket to Rome in order, but you are looking for more places to visit outside Rome? Maybe you have read our article on how to travel from Rome to Firenze already, and now you consider visiting another city, for example, Bologna. But, how can you travel by train from Rome to Bologna? How much time will it take? What is the price of the different train tickets?

If you want to travel from Rome to Bologna with train, there are a couple of things worth knowing. The main train station in Rome is the Termini station, and you should plan on leaving Rome from this station to make things as efficient as possible. As you arrive to Bologna, make sure to arrive to Bologna Centrale, a central station in Bologna from which you can easily invade the city!

Visit Piazza Maggiore in Bologna on a day-trip from Rome
Visit Piazza Maggiore in Bologna on a day-trip from Rome

The normal travel time between the two cities are around 2 hours if you use the fast trains. That isn’t very much, making it easy to do a day trip to Bologna from Roma, and return back in the evening.

How much does the train ticket cost between Rome and Bologna?

It is quite amazing that the train time is only two hours, considering that it covers a distance of almost 400km. So, if you would do the same distance by car, it would take much more time. And that is also why the tickets can be quite expensive, at least if you buy only a few days before the actual travel.

For example, if I would buy a train ticket that connects Rome with Bologna right now, the price would be 60 Euro (for a ticket in one of the upcoming days). But, if I plan ahead and buy the ticket a couple of weeks in advance or more, I can easily find tickets costing only 30 Euro or less. So, if you can, prepare your travel and buy your tickets early.

Where to buy the train tickets?

If you want to buy a train ticket online for the ride between Rome and Bologna, the best place to do so is at This site is available in both English and Italian, making it easy to go ahead with the booking process, and also to get an overview of the different trains and the prices.

How to get from the railway station in Bologna to the city center?

The distance between the railway station in Bologna and the main square in the city (Piazza Maggiore) is 1,5km. This can be done in an easy way on foot and shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes. But, if you start visiting stores along the way like Zara, you will for sure spend more time before you end up at the main square on Bologna.

Two suggested walking paths from Bologna Stazione to Piazza Maggiore in Bologna.
Two suggested walking paths from Bologna Stazione to Piazza Maggiore in Bologna.

I hope by now you will be better prepared for your day-trip from Rome to Bologna. If you have any further questions, use the comment field beneath.